[plug] MS Curriculum at schools and TAFEs ...

Simon Scott simon.scott at flexiplan.com
Mon Apr 23 16:27:26 WST 2001

	>Well said. AND complexity issues with linux dont seem to be going
	>away with the latest distributions either...

	And hopefully they never will. Linux is not windows, nor should it
try to be. That would be very sad.

	Often I hear people asking 'Why cant Linux do blah blah blah just
like windows?' Answer: Go use windows. If it doesnt everything you want,
then use it! Linux, and more generically the 'Open Source' or 'Free
Software' movements have one interest at heart: choice. This includes your
choice to use windows. Go for it.

	>ATEOTD, real users will judge linux by its ability to do whatever
	>job they need done. On this scale it rates very poorly (for the DIY
	>type person) against MS-Windows.

	Does this mean Im not a real user? For my needs, I wouldnt even rate
Linux and Windows together, the difference is soooo mind boggling.

	Sooner or later end-users will have to realise that despite
half-hearted efforts of major Linux vendors, Linux is not going to 'be like'
windows any time soon. If you cant hack it, dont use it... simple really. If
you really want to use it, grab a book and sit down and learn it. Its
actually not any harder than windows to learn. People just think it is
because theyve already learned windows. At its core it is just unix, the
same OS we've had for 30 years. It doesnt change much, and the skills you
learn will probably be valuable for another 30 years. Or go re-learn windows
2002 or whatever the next major release is when they change everything again
and remove yet more of your control over your system. It makes absolutely
zero difference to me.

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