[plug] (OT) AUI tranceivers available

Kevin Shackleton kevins at wn.com.au
Sat Apr 28 15:21:03 WST 2001

I have 8 Speedycom AUI to Thinnet tranceivers with housings and AUI
cables available to good homes.

For those who don't know, AUI is a technology that lets you drop up to
12.5 m from the 10Base-5 or 10Base-2 backbone.  That lets you avoid
exposing the fragile T-connector, which in cheapo Thinnet installations
is mounted on the back of the PC network card.

You might want these if you know a location that's using Thinnet to the
PC and could do with tidying up the workplace.  They originally cost
over $100 - and that was 1985 dollars!


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