[plug] emaiil virus scanner

Adrian Woodley Adrian at Diskworld.com.au
Wed Dec 26 01:26:16 WST 2001

Leon Brooks wrote:

>On Monday 24 December 2001 18:30, Adrian Woodley wrote:
>>I'm also a local agent for sophos - I can't give you a better price or
>>service, but it makes my accounts look a bit better :P
>>Long live the self-employed, untrained computer techs! :)
>Am I to understand from your email address that your shop revolves upon four 
>large elephants, which in turn stand on a very large chelonian entity? (-:
>Cheers; Leon
It was the inpiration, yes. Also my computer is named 'Hex' and the 
internet side of my gateway machine is called DD (Dungeon Dimensions) :)
Discworld rocks!

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