[plug] File Size limit
Earnshaw, Mike
earnshawm at wa.switch.aust.com
Thu Feb 8 17:30:27 WST 2001
This is an old 6.2 box that is waiting for its upg to rh7 (2.2-16). Just
out of curiosity are the limits better on the newer kernels?
#-----Original Message-----
#From: Matt Kemner [mailto:zombie at wasp.net.au]
#Sent: Thursday, 8 February 2001 12:44 PM
#To: PLUG (E-mail)
#Subject: Re: [plug] File Size limit
#On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, Earnshaw, Mike wrote:
#> Is there a file size limit in Linux/Samba? I have need to xfer a 7Gb
#> file from one system to another. I have the smb mounted NT
#share in /mnt
#> but it will only copy/tar 2gb of the file, then stops.
#What version of Linux?
#Older (Pre ~2.2.14 I _think_) versions of Linux had a 2GB file limit.
#You may need to update your "mount" etc programs as well (and
#your libc)
# - Matt
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