[plug] Re NFS

Robert Andrews squirrel at emerge.net.au
Sun Feb 11 01:22:56 WST 2001

Bernard Blackham wrote:

> Hi Bernard well I now have vmware running it accepts the lincese bit woe a
> new problem

After you power on it goes through the boot sequence but then reports
"Operating System Not Found"
I have tried this with a Win98 setup and Linux Operating system I get the
same results.
Any Ideas

> Dear Bob,
> > But after installing the license it still says that there is no licence.
> > It does not report "invalid licence" or any other error.
> It could well be the spelling of licence... They spell it licenSe (that
> was the first thing that came to mind). Otherwise, are you running vmware
> as the same user as who's home directory contains .vmware/license.... ?
> Regards,
> Bernard.
> --
>  Bernard Blackham
>  bernard at blackham.com.au

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