[plug] new posting

Stephen Hardman support at crystal.com.au
Wed Feb 14 23:25:58 WST 2001

okay Garth

1.  I was not blowing my isps horn as i dont really need dial up users  web
hosting is what we are into and web design .
2.  It was a offer for the group which i was giong to become a member of if
the club or members needed free hosting or web pages as some people cant
afford web space for there projects .
3  I did not mention prices services etc etc it was a offer to the group as
such as i think linux is not supported by most  isps .
4  i was referring to free mirrors that the group think should be avaliable
locally .....

If i cant spell tough
and anyway who died and may you god this was a offer to make life simple and
cheap for some people and the perth linux group .
If this the general attitude of the members then linux is still in the hands
of snobs and geeks who want it to remain a secret to the public .
as to giong well garth my man if they are all like you then linux still has
a way to go to get out of the hands of snobs and inro the people .
To the people on this list i have followed this list for a couple of months
and the majority of people seem to like to help .
anyway the offer is open but to look a gift horse in the mouth seems really
stupid to me but im not a linux guru and still have a lot tot learn
thanks for the time sorry to bother you all
stephen hardman

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