[plug] Wine and patches

Russell Keith-Magee keithmag at cs.curtin.edu.au
Wed Feb 21 15:54:20 WST 2001

Dennis Plester wrote:

> When I attempted to apply the patch, using patch <../patch.diff (my best
> guess at the appropriate syntax), it would patch 3 files before getting
> stuck because it couldn't find a particular file.

When you downloaded the patch from the Transgaming site, and it said, in
large, bold font:

"For instructions on how to use the patch, read the release note at the
beginning of the file."

Did you?

This message was just above the links for the .diff.gz files
(transgaming_20010127.diff.gz and winehq_update.diff.gz).

There's a pretty detailed set of instructions at the top of the
transgaming diff file. The short version:

$ patch -p1 < winehq_update.diff
$ patch -p1 < transgaming_20010127.diff

You must apply both patches, and they must be applied in that order.
After applying the patches, rerun ./configure and rebuild.

Russ %-)

Russell Keith-Magee
PhD Research Student
School of Computing, Curtin University of Technology
email: keithmag at cs.curtin.edu.au OR russ.magee at computer.org
WWW:   http://www.cs.curtin.edu.au/~keithmag
Ph: +61 8 9266 2129    FAX +61 8 9266 2819
This must be morning.  I never could get the hang of mornings.

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