[plug] Celeron vs Duron

Jon Miller jlmiller at mmtnetworks.com.au
Wed Jan 24 02:57:52 WST 2001

Your friend should have checked the technical and white papers on the AMD K6-2 chips before purchasing for game p[laying.  It was not designed with this intent in mind.  Instead it was designed for business apps where it kick plenty of ass.  Now AMD is fastest and better than Intel (example the AMD 800 T-bird runs at about the same speed in benchmark test as the Intel 1GHz).  There are lots of information he need to compare before he can make an informed decision.  Read the benchmarks, white papers, etc and at www.amd.com and check out www.tomshardware.com  It's should answer any questions your friend may have.

Jon L. Miller, MCNE ASE
Director/Sr Systems Consultant
MMT Networks Pty Ltd
PH: +61 8 9242 8600
FX: +61 8 9242 8611

>>> dennisp at tiwest.com.au 9:43:57 am 24/01/2001 >>>
A general question, but perhaps with still a Linux slant.

A friend of mine currently has a Celeron 400 running on a BX chipset
motherboard, and is currently considering his upgrade options. They are
either to upgrade to a Celeron 700 on the same board for approx $200, versus
selling the board and CPU, and then shelling out approximately $375 - 400 to
purchase a Duron 700 and suitable motherboard.

Web reviews and magazine articles infer that the Duron leaves the Celeron
well behind in all benchmarks. The Celeron 700 still runs at a 66 MHz front
bus speed, whereas the Duron runs at 100 as far as I understand, and
supposedly has stronger floating point and integer math than the Celeron to

My friend runs Windows exclusively, but wants to investigate Linux. He
primarily plays games, and surfs the net. His system does not have any
exotic hardware, just the basic sound card, 2D/3D video card (Geforce) and
IDE harddrives, CDROM and CDRW. He previously had a real bad experience with
a K6-2 plus, with its crap floating point letting him down in the 3D gaming
department, so the word AMD tends to still put a shiver down his spine!

Based on plug members experiences, is the Duron the potent but cheap
processor it appears to be? Are there any incompatibility issues that affect
Linux in particular?

Any comments would be appreciated. If any Duron owners out there reply,
could you indicate your motherboard model as well please?


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