[plug] 1) rsync 2) rsync vs ftp 3) ftp in W2k vs Linux
Craig Foster
fostware at iinet.net.au
Tue Jul 10 21:36:35 WST 2001
rsync is a wonderful program :-)
Quite a few of the beta distributions are minor changes, and yet so few
of them set up the preferred rsyncd server. (kudos to e-smith)
I've got a script called update_iso, which I run after renaming old.iso
to new.iso (eg e-smith-4.1.1.iso to e-smith-4.1.2.iso)
rsync -avv --progress --stats \
wget --passive ftp://ftp.e-smith.org/pub/e-smith-4.1.2/iso/md5sum
cat ./md5sum
\usr\sbin\md5sum ./e-smith-4.1.2.iso
Which downloads the iso via rsync, downloads the relevant md5sum, and
then displays the downloaded iso's md5sum. My 56K modem after the
4.1.1b5 to 4.1.2 final took 13MB and an hour. And I'm still not in the
iiNet Bad-Boy Pipe(tm) If the CRC isn't the same, just run the script
again. (Don't overdo it though)
Now if only Nero would play ball nicely :-)
ftp doesn't do any real checking AFAIK, and setting an overlap doesn't
do much.
PS There is a rsync for windows too!
On 10 Jul 2001 20:59:04 +0800, Daniel B wrote:
> Hello Plug,
> I recently downloaded an iso image over the net with W2k. I ran md5sum and
> found it not correct.
> I then got smart(er) and connected with Linux and ran rsync from the
> directory where the file was located:
> rsync -avvP --stats rsync://ftp.rpmfind.net/linux/filename.iso . (although
> invisible the preceeding is the dot for current directory)
> Was above correct/best practice?
> It shot up to 34% and then slowed down dramatically.
> I presume that it's found that only 34% of the file checked was OK.
> Would my download have had the same result if I had done it from Linux to
> start with?
> Is the error checking/correction in the Linux ftp program superior?
> Would the result have been different if I had not used ftp in Linux, but
> setup rsync to a directory I wanted the file downloaded to? (if there's no
> file where it's looking it just puts downloads the whole file) ... I guess
> I mean does rsync do any superior checking along the way?
> I look forward to your responses.
> (guess my isp will say I downloaded 1 2/3 cds worth of data!)
> Thanks,
> Daniel.
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