[plug] Cross-assembler IDE

Leon Brooks leonb at brooks.fdns.net
Fri Jul 13 10:44:02 WST 2001

Simon Scott wrote (using one of those broken Microsoft tools which 
doesn't quote properly, and encourages disconnected replies in a bunch 
at the top of the mail):

 > I wrote:

>> Give me an opcode table and it's yours in under an hour. (-:

 > OK, then you get to the point where you realise that its not
 > actually that simple when you have data embedded in your code (some
 > disassemblers can detect that sort of thing) and in fact you want
 > labels created for every jmp, jsr and branch instruction

 > Suddenly you wake up and realise you might as well just go find a
 > good one :)


Jump targets and absolute referrals are only one more pass and a sorted 
list (noi  more tables are neded, and it's even easy to tag what kind of 
references exist to the label IF you know the address that the code 
lives at).

Data detection. Hmm. And bells? And whistles? What kind of data? Text? 
Null terminated ASCII? High-bit terminated, $-terminated, 
count-prefixed, EBCDIC or other charsets? Floating point? And would sir 
like fries with that?

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