[plug] RH->Debian howto

Craig Foster fostware at iinet.net.au
Sat Jul 14 14:49:11 WST 2001

Which Debian do you have and which Red-Hat are you coming from?
The latest Red-Hat (7.1) conforms more to the "linux standard" than
before, and Debian runs by "the standard"



-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Furey [mailto:simpware at yahoo.com]
Sent: Saturday, 14 July 2001 12:15 AM
To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
Subject: [plug] RH->Debian howto

Hi folks,

I've been using Redhat for the last 3 years (nearly),
and will be switching over to Debian for the first
time within the next few weeks.

Given all the Debianites on this list, I was hoping
someone would be able to point me to a Redhat ->
Debian howto (or something along those lines).

Just looking for something that covers stuff like
changes to /etc layout, RPM equivalent commands for
apt/dpkg/whatever, and the like.


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