[plug] Motherboards

Mark marks at omninet.net.au
Mon Jul 16 01:42:32 WST 2001

Joel Fraser wrote:
> Some people in the 'Upgrading to Duron' discussion were talking about an
> Abit Motherboard (for Athlon/Duron) and were saying it was fairly good,
> and i would like to know if you could tell me what the model number is so
> i can check it out.

KT7(ATA/66) or KT7A(ATA/100)

There are RAID versions of both boards with the HTP370 chipset giving
two additional 
IDE channels (IDE3,IDE4) and hence in theory support for 8 IDE devices.

I have the KT7 board. It is the cheaper board. There is little to be
gained buy going
to the ATA100 board if you plan to run linux only.

Likewise the RAID option imo is not of much real value and the inclusion
of the HTP370 controller
introduces IRQ sharing problems many struggle with.


> Cheers Joel Fraser
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