[plug] Linux Mail Server?
Jon Miller
jlmiller at mmtnetworks.com.au
Sat Jul 21 18:17:07 WST 2001
Yes this is possible as we are a Novell site/reseller/network integrator. What I would suggest is as you stated a Linux server acting as a firewall /mail server. On their internal network they can run Novell's GroupWise (GW) (if they have Novells Small Business Server it's included and free) if not, then they can use one of the flavors of Linux mail server and each user can have their own account or a single account using fetchmail. If using GW ( which is what we use) and OL2K if desired you only need to redirect SMTP from Linux to the Novell server.
You need to give more info on which version of NetWare is being used.
Quite effective.
Jon L. Miller, MCNE
Director/Sr Systems Consultant
MMT Networks Pty Ltd
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure
is trying to please everybody." -Bill Cosby
>>> connellp at wantree.com.au 5:57:23 pm 20/07/2001 >>>
I recently heard of a country college that has a novell network with
Win 98 clients. At the moment, one user on her workstation has a dialup
connection to the ISP and fetches the college's email, prints them up
and distributes them to the local recipients. Likewise, they hand their
typed-up email to her and she retypes them in outlook and sends them via
the ISP. Strange but true.
To my mind, a more sensible arrangement would be to have the modem
hanging off a server which would also act as a mailserver. As a convert
to the Linux cause, my first reaction to say use a linux server.
Unfortunately, my enthusiasm does not compensate for my lack of
knowledge of the mail process. Perhaps some plug members could suggest
what would be required to make a linux mailserver capable of fetching
mail from an ISP and distributing it to Outlook express mail readers on
Win 98 machines in a Novell network, and sending mail from the
workstations to the ISP. Is it even possible?
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