[plug] wvdial

Steve Vertigan vertigan at bigfoot.com
Sun Jul 22 05:19:48 WST 2001

Aaron W wrote:
> Wvdial
> Hi
> Does anyone know how to configure wdial to connect to
> the net at 8am and disconnect at 6pm

Don't know anything about wvdial sorry but if you can automate it's
operations from a shell script this is the sort of thing cron excels at,
something like this in your crontab should do the trick
0 8 * * * dialup.sh
0 18 * * * disconnect.sh

If wvdial can't do that it may be worth the effort to just set up pppd
yourself, I personally much prefer the control of doing it like that to
using a frontend.


OpenBSD maelstrom.dyn.dhs.org GENERIC#399 i386
 1:15PM  up 16 days,  8:11, 1 user, load averages: 0.13, 0.19, 0.16
Nature is by and large to be found out of doors, a location where, it
cannot be argued, there are never enough comfortable chairs.
		-- Fran Leibowitz

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