[plug] KDE desktop freezes whole machine when left on overnight

Aunty Jack delilah at iinet.net.au
Mon Jul 23 21:58:44 WST 2001

 does it give your hard drive a super work out? i had mdk 7.2 on my 750 Mhz 
duron with 128 M RAM, running kde and the machine used to sporadically go 
into disk access convulsions. this would give the appearance of a frozen 
machine, but actually, it was responding - only _v e r y_ slowly. i was never 
able to tell which process was using up all the juice. some talk around this 
problem on the list a coupl of months ago seemed to coalesce around the 
notion of netscrape being the culprit, but this was definitely not the case 
for me, as i wasn't even using it. sometimes it would happen just at the 
empty desktop. Never happened whemn i wasn't running X. so maybe it was X, 
maybe it was kde. 

anyhow, using rh 7.1 now, with later versions of both X and kde, and (that 
particular !) problem has never recurred.


On Saturday 14 July 2001 16:45, Daniel B wrote:
> Hi Plug, this is not about the temperature (and I'm not trying to run KDE
> under windows!)
> I have an old Pentium 133 with 32 MB ram with Mandrake 7.2 that seems to
> run OK, but when I leave it on running the KDE desktop at night the whole
> thing gets stuck so I have to turn it off at the switch.  I have looked at
> the bios for power saving and that all appears to be off.  Any ideas on
> what could be 'stuffing things up' ?
> Thanks,
> Daniel.

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