[plug] strange problem with booting

Sacha Schlegel sacha at schlegel.li
Tue Jul 31 03:42:06 WST 2001

Hi Jason
On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 12:39:11 Jason Nicholls wrote:
> Hey People,
> I just attempted to upgrade an existing linux box from a P 233mmx -> K6-2
> 550Mhz. Everything else stayed the same.
> I can boot to DOS and windows fine but when trying to boot linux it'll get
> stuck on the line:
> 	Checking 'hlt' instruction
I once had a problem with my notebook when I added RAM. When I booted 
the memory was still about 64M instead of 144M. The motherboard did not 
return the right amount of memory so I had to add a line to 


When I changed the content to the real 144M I got an error on booting as 

Maybe this is completely off your problem. Otherwise try to boot from a 
boot disk and run lilo to update the necessary files for booting.

I hope this helps.


> It happens with 2.2.x and 2.4.x kernels and I'd try with 2.0.x but don't 
> have a boot disk.
> The motherboard is an AT style Shuttle HOT 591P (uses VIA MPV3). Note the
> other motherboard where the CPU worked fine with linux was a ATX AOpen 
> (also VIA MPV3). Both motherboards have the very latest bios and support the
> CPU. And, the Shuttle board works fine with linux when using the P233mmx 
> I've searched the Internet and have come across other people with the same
> symptoms but nothing solid on how to overcome it.
> Later,
> Jason Nicholls
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jason Nicholls    icq: 11745841    email: <jason at mindsocket.com.au>
> Proprietor                        mobile: 0417 410 811
> Mind Socket [web services]          http://www.mindsocket.com.au/
> --------------------------------------------------------------------

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