We use a Binary number system (long post) was: [plug] honeymoon is over - Telstra introduces traffic cap on freedom ADSL

alan howard alanh at wn.com.au
Fri Jun 8 19:25:29 WST 2001

On Thursday 07 June 2001 20:52, Michael Hunt wrote:
> Alan,
> I'd like to quote the quantifiers section of the Jargon file as to why the
> computer industry is justified in stating that 1024 bytes is equal to a
> kilobyte.
thanks for the response . i sort of knew it was something like this, but it 
does get somewhat confusing when some (such as ISP's) start mixing 
terminolgies up. your never quite sure what the correct figure is., and it 
apears to be stated in such a way, sometimes, so that some people try to 
mislead others, for there gain.
alan howard

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