[plug] (OT) RSI?

Bill Denmead bildee at bigpond.com
Mon Jun 11 19:42:51 WST 2001

G'day Andrew, every hour or so on a long session you should do finger
exercises like wriggling them and rotating your hand and wrist, being a
devotee of Arthritis I know that this will help, also try using your next
finger on the mouse button and see if it makes a difference. Good luck, Bill
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Francis" <locust at iinet.net.au>
To: <plug at plug.linux.org.au>
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2001 7:19 PM
Subject: [plug] (OT) RSI?

> Hi all
> This is offtopic and I'm probably just being paranoid, however I'm getting
> rather anxious so I figured I'd ask... is anyone listening particularly
> familiar with the symptoms of RSI?
> Ever since I bashed in a far chunk of code for an assignment in the 24
> hours before it was due, about 10 days ago, I've had a dull ache in my
> right wrist. It was very minor at first, in fact I didn't notice it most
> of the time, however it's gotten tangibly worse over the last 48
> hours. Typing doesn't seem to make it any worse (I'm avoiding it mostly,
> though, just to be on the safe side) however clicking the left button on
> my mouse seems to agitate it - on a couple of occasions I received a sort
> of 'shooting pain' up my forearm.
> In addition, my right wrist is 'popping' quite a bit when I swivel it
> around (like when you crack your knuckles).
> I was going to go visit my GP a at the end of the week (I have two exams
> on Wed and one on Thurs, and eery second beforehand counts...) however
> after a quick google search I'm surrounded by horror stories; of course,
> the not-quite-so-horrible stories never make it onto webpages :) And for
> the most part the pains experienced seem to be described as significantly
> worse than mine. Still, I'm beginning to think visiting the GP tomorrow
> might be an idea.
> Has anyone had experience with relatively *minor* wrist pains, or RSI in
> general? Am I risking my health significantly by putting in 10 hours of
> study/writing betwen now and visiting the GP?
> And as a result of this little scare, I think I'm going to try and improve
> my ergonomics..
> Any ideas or feedback anyone might have to offer would be appreciated.
> Cheers :)
> --
> Andrew Francis
> locust at iinet.net.au

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