[plug] Fwd: SEAWA Seminar on Linux

skribe skribe at amber.com.au
Tue Jun 12 12:06:38 WST 2001

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
Subject: SEAWA Seminar on Linux
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 20:47:40 +0800
From: "Nick Randolph" <nr at piscesis.com>
To: <skribe at plug.linux.org.au>


Software Engineering Australia (WA) is an organisation that seeks to promote
 and develop software development across Australia, and more specifically in
 Western Australia.  Each month we host a seminar on the 2nd Tuesday of the
 month (which happens to coincide with the PLUG monthly meetings).  The
 seminars cover a range topics for example the Legal aspects of software
 development, electronic tagging, or testing web systems.  We also conduct
 training courses in areas such as Java, XML, Testing and Quality Management.

As Linux, and more generally open source, is an option that software
 developers should be considering we were looking to run either (or both) an
 evening seminar on the benefits of Linux over commercial operating systems
 (eg Windows) or a 1-2 day seminar on aspects of Linux (Introductory, through
 to Advanced).

Is there anyone in PLUG who would be interested in conducting either, or
 both, seminars?


Nick Randolph


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