[plug] my very own warning

Kim Covil kimc at ned.dem.csiro.au
Thu Jun 21 16:55:18 WST 2001

> hello
> When i boot up my win98/linux box in linux, i get this message during startup:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Checking root filesystem
> / Contains a file system with errors, check forced
>  (does its little checky thing)
> /: Unattached inode 258449
> 	(ie, without -a or -p options)
> *** An error occured during the file system check
> ***Dropping you to shell: the system will reboot
> ***when you leave shell.
> Give root password for maintenance
> (or type Control-D for normal startup)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> That is as close as i can get it...
> i am currently running RH 7.  
> What to do?!?!?!?! 
> i dont care if i have to reinstal if it is easier.

enter the root password for the machine

that should get you to a prompt where you should enter

fsck /dev/??

where /dev/?? is the device containing your root partition (should
appear earlier in the messages on your screen)

You may be presented with a whole lot of questions... to which I would
say answer yes unless you know otherwise... once it has finished type
exit and the machine should reboot and come up normally...

Watch that you shut down the machine properly rather than just turning
it off (just as you should with Windows) and maybe think about a
journalling filesystem if you don't want to see these errors again... :)



Kim Covil - CSIRO Exploration & Mining  E-mail: kim.covil at dem.csiro.au
            PO Box 437, Nedlands,       Tel: +61 8 9284 8425    ,-_!\
            Western Australia  6009     Fax: +61 8 9389 1906   /     \
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   Please direct all personal e-mail to kimbotha at covil.com.au

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