[plug] Uninstalling from *.bin install

Gavin Corfield gavin at twobluedots.com.au
Fri Mar 2 08:46:33 WST 2001

Ari Finander wrote:
> I've got the rpm commands pretty much worked out (and if I can't find
> info in the HOWTOs, Man pages, etc you can be sure I'll ask here hehe)
> but what if I installed a program from a binary?  I installed jdk1.3
> (Java 2) as root from a binary.  I now want to remove this, and
> reinstall it as a user.  However, rpm does not detect it (probably
> because it wasn't installed from an rpm file?).  Thoughts?  Helps?
> Puzzled looks?
I had jdk 1.2.2 which was installed in its own directory and simply
deleting it worked fine.

There was an issue with jdk 1.2.2 and RH7 I don't know if this is still
the case with 1.3 but my install of 1.2.2 bailed (hence the deletion) I
now use Kaffe which seems to work fine.



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