[plug] netscape problem

Rob Dunne robd at anville.wa.cmis.csiro.au
Sun May 6 02:04:32 WST 2001

Hi List,
        I am having a problem configuring netscape.
When I try to reach say,


I get this message

404 Not Found

The requested URL 
was not found on this server.

where is all the htdocshttp stuff coming from?

P.S. It is Netscape version 3.04 on red hat 6.0
it that is relevant.


 Rob Dunne         Fax: +61 8 9333 6121     Tel: +61 8 9333 6178
 CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences
 Leeuwin Centre for Earth Sensing Technologies 
 Private Bag 5, P.O., Wembley, Western Australia, 6013         
 http://matilda.vu.edu.au/~dunne  Email: Robert.Dunne at cmis.csiro.au

        Java has certainly revolutionized marketing and litigation.

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