[plug] [OT] Eftel Radiowan

Glen A. Lewis kisa at kisa.com
Sun May 13 14:20:05 WST 2001

At 11:55 AM 13/05/01 +0800, you wrote:

>Initially cityspan was a great product, however, in some area's it died in
>the arse for no apparent reason...
>If you can, stick with ADSL, ADSL is a lot lot lot better than any
>wireless internet access. With *all* wireless internet access there is
>always the posibility that bad weather, lighting or a hundred other
>factors can cause it to die.

Actually, it died in the arse for very good reasons:

  1. Wangara base station is/was simply too far away from the Perth 
backbone station for good quality bandwidth - little things would stop it 
from working.
  2. The amount of 2.4G stuff out there is increasing at a rapid rate

If you can get ADSL, and don't _need_ the synchronous data transfers, then 
don't bother with wireless solutions.


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