[plug] IPChain Question

Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima tony at cantech.net.au
Wed May 30 15:12:35 WST 2001

On Wed, 30 May 2001, Jon  Miller wrote:

> Want to log all DENY response to a file on another server.  Does anyone know of way to do this.

You can tell syslog to send all messages from the kernel on the ipchains
machine to "/var/log/messages" _AND_ to the syslog service on a remote

IPchains machine:
# kern messages are to go to ppcug
kern.*                                                @some.other.machine
start syslogd with "-r" (optionally [sugested] setup ipchains rules so that only
                         the right machine can connect)

What you should see on "some.other.machine" is somethings like:
Mar 21 09:31:58 ipchains.machine kernel: blah blah blah

> I thought maybe I could do something like a secure copy to another server, but somehow I'll need to supply the password or I guess they could be logged in a file and have a cron script send them to me via email.

You could do something like:

egrep -i 'kernel: Packet log.*DENY' /var/log/messages | \
	mail you at some.other.machine

or setup scp to do passwordless authentication.

Yours Tony.

 * "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the
 * same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
 * --Albert Einstein

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