[plug] [OT] Work

Bret Busby bret at busby.net
Thu Nov 1 17:31:53 WST 2001

On Thu, 1 Nov 2001 Simon.Scott at flexiplan.com wrote:

> Hi guys
> Well, it had to happen sometime, and now is the time. My bread and butter for
> the last 5 years has finally dried up (you mean, there's no call for
> PRO-IV/OpenVMS guys anymore?? :)
> Anyhoo, Im looking for work, so Id thought Id ask on list.
> Id especially like to work with a small software company - large, inefficient
> behemoths are starting to annoy me. What do you mean I cant get anything done
> without filling out 48 forms in triplicate?
> If anyone has anything going, please let me know offlist. I have a wide
> skillset, and can pretty much turn my hand to anything very quickly, so just ask
> :) Although PRO-IV/VMS has been my mealticket, I have in fact done lots of other
> stuff which you might find useful.

Perhaps, listing the skillset would be useful, in a message such as the
above, so that anyone who sees it, and knows of any possibilities, could
make suggestions, based on the skillset. Does the skillset include
database development, or accounting systems? In what
languages/applications, do you have significant experience?

What is Pro-IV? It sounds like a hotted up pentium pro, though I doubt
that VMS (if that is VAX-XMS) would run on an intel or intel clone chip.

Bret Busby

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