[plug] [OT] Work

Simon Scott Simon.Scott at flexiplan.com
Fri Nov 2 15:02:59 WST 2001

	Junior means you do all the work but dont get paid


	From:	Clinton Butler <misprint at bizzpro.com.au> on 02/11/2001 01:16
	Please respond to plug at plug.linux.org.au@SMTP at Exchange
	To:	plug at plug.linux.org.au@SMTP at Exchange

	Subject:	Re: [plug] [OT] Work

	> I may be wrong, but my understanding is that a Junior Programmer,
is a
	> newly qualified university computing graduate, with the
qualification but
	> no experience. If my understanding is correct, then SQL etc would
	> assumed. Even the horrible C++ (4GL witten in, and depending on,
and less
	> powerful than, C :) ).

	I may have misinterpreted Junior.

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