[plug] remote control of a server

Alan Graham alan.graham at infonetsystems.com.au
Tue Nov 13 21:19:42 WST 2001

I've recently put my firewall in a place that's hard to get at, physically.
 This means I have to move it around to connect a monitor and keyboard to
it if there's any boot problems.  Is there any way round this?

On Rs/6000's, I can configure the bios to use ttyS0 as the console.  On an
SP/2, the control workstation can control the power supply, and display
status codes from the boot sequence.  It can also communicate through an
internal e/net interface to any of the nodes, in single user mode.

Does anyone know if I can do something similar to a linux box?  I'm
thinking of something (linux bios?) that allows the display of the console
log as a minimum, over a serial line or second e/net card perhaps?  Full
control would be best of course.

Any ideas?


Alan Graham

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