[plug] smb

russ powers rpowersau at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 14 09:25:25 WST 2001


I'm using smb to share drives on a linux machine
(suse7.2). From win2000 The drive can be read but not
written: "Access is denied"

   comment = Public Stuff
   path = /smb_mounts/backup
   public = yes
   writable = yes
   printable = no

   comment = Public Stuff
   path = /linux2
   public = yes
   writable = yes
   printable = no

So I assume smb is working? Maybe it is the mount of
the drive in fstab?

/dev/hdb1  /smb_mounts/backup  vfat  defaults   1   2
/dev/hdb2  /linux2             ext2  defaults   1   2

Any suggestions?


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