[plug] Uni Course - UWA or Curtin?

R.Barnes wpickett at iprimus.com.au
Sat Nov 17 16:03:42 WST 2001

So far we haven't done any Prolog or VB\VBA at Murdoch yet, and to be
perfectly honest I have never heard of Haskell. We do use C++ and the
STL in our data structures unit though, and C\Java are the main
languages running through most units. Murdoch also uses a number of the
scripting languages you mentioned, and a 'by the way' look at XML, in
the 2nd year Internet unit. Do all institutions still teach Assembler?
One thing I was wondering about, the institutions that do have Linux
boxes, do they use a Linux office suit or recommend any particular text
editors etc. It would be great to see some institution getting away from
the ubiquitous MSOffice on a formal basis.

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