[plug] realplayer and via onboard audio

Adrian Woodley Adrian at Diskworld.com.au
Wed Nov 21 23:00:35 WST 2001

I have had the same problem - same chipset and yeah, only realplayer 
doesn't work. I gave up fairly quickly, as I did when I couldn't record 
sound with the VIA chipset. Unforunately, I can't off any help or 
solution, other than to let you know that you're not alone :)

Good luck

Craig Ringer wrote:

>Quick question: anyone know why I get awful garbage audio (not static, 
>vaguely resembles original amped up and filtered for more distortion than any 
>human can fully comprehend) from RealPlayer? Even their "welcome" sound does 
>it. XMMS, esdplay, play, mpg123/321, etc are all fine. RealPlayer doesn't 
>even do the same thing every time. Realplayer works on my home machine (sb 
>live) also running sid and with a similar config.
>When playing through ESD, the sound gets "crunched" into a smaller timeframe 
>sometimes, while other bits stretch out or repeat a tiny fragment so it 
>"buzzes". Sometimes it works. Sometimes it starts/finishes partway through. 
>But its a lot more intelligible than without esd.
>Ideas anybody?
>I'd love to use anything else but realplayer (something that says "whoops 
>cant open /dev/dsp" instead of "I'll freeze 'till you kill -9 me" for 
>example) but don't know of anything that  handles the format.
>I've got a built-in
>VIA Technologies, Inc. AC97 Audio Controller (rev 50)
>running the via82cxxx_audio kernel for the driver.

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