[plug] Differences between xfree and windows

John Knight anarchist_tomato at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 26 20:59:29 WST 2001

Don't worry mate, we understand (some are a bit religious though). You 
statement is somewhat vague though, could you please go into greater detail 
as to what you mean and state what you hardware, distro (please include the 
version number) and window manager are?

>I find there is a definite difference in the sharpness and
>responsiveness between the xfree GUI and that of the windows GUI on my
>systems, and I have always been interested to discover why. I have
>looked on the net for some kind of comparison or overview of the two
>systems, but haven't found much so far but specifics about each. I hope
>this is not too trivial a question, but any pointers as to where I
>should be looking for the answer to so general a question would be much
>appreciated. I was wondering whether it was just the maturity of the
>libraries used by xfree or an architectural question or some combination
>of the above. I hope no one is offended by my opening statement, it's is
>just a personal observation, and I would like to hear what others on the
>list feel about this point.

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