[plug] world trade centre (details)

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Wed Sep 12 10:48:22 WST 2001

Alex Polglaze wrote:
>> What's happening at the world trade centre?
> Two terrorist planes have crashed into the World Trade Centre, 18 mins
> apart. 6 dead at least 1,000 injured so far.

> Both towers are on fire, like Towering Inferno.

So far: at least four plane strikes (on on Pentagon), another flew into 
the ground on the way to Pittsburgh, plus at least 2 car bombs. Borders 
closed, commercial traffic all grounded, NY is a no-fly (violators shot 
down), 83rd air division is off somewhere, military heads talking about 
nuclear reprisals, Afghanistan appears to have resurrected its civil war 
in Khabul. No doubt more to follow. Excellent, almost excessive coverage 
on SlashDot.

Consequences, anybody?

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