[plug] Corel Linux Boot Floppy

Adam Davin badger at arach.net.au
Mon Sep 17 15:32:21 WST 2001

This is just a wild stab in the dark here, but sometimes they help.

So far it sounds as if the cd works fine in another machine. However as your
bios doesn't support booting from scsi devices you need to use a boot floppy
to access the scsi cdrom with the rest of the system.

A couple of things that I can think of.

If you already have windows on that system (or if you can get hold of a
windows boot floppy) you can copy the contents of the cd to the HD and do
the installation from there. The cd should hopefully have a copy of loadlin
there somewhere, which will allow you to load linux *after* booting to dos
format is something like:

loadlin <kernelimage> <parameters>

where <kernelimage> is replaced by the name / path of the kernel image and
parameters are various options that may be needed.

Second issue that springs to mind is that the default kernel may not support
your scsi card with compiled in drivers, hence you will need to get the
system up and modules loaded before you will be able to access the cdrom
(this is bypassed with the above scenario using HD) - I know debian uses a
(at last check) 6 floppy disk set - root floppy, boot floppy and 4 driver

Just some thoughts

Adam Davin

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Clinton Butler [mailto:misprint at bizzpro.com.au]
> Sent: Monday, 3, September 2001 2:12 PM
> To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
> Subject: Re: [plug] Corel Linux Boot Floppy

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