[plug] Poll regarding attachments, Terry Pratchett, Chinese proverbs

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Wed Aug 21 13:32:59 WST 2002

On Wed, 21 Aug 2002 00:25, Cameron Patrick wrote:
> For some reason, Outlook interprets the two parts of the signed message as
> two different attachments, unlike most other email clients which show it as
> a message and an attachment, or the message and some reassuring text
> informing you of the person who signed it.

Now... call me cynical, but wouldn't it be in Bill's best interest if billions 
of LookOuters around the world saw _his_ version of secure signatures 
flawlessly, and RFC-compliant competing secure signatures as being a problem?

Think I'm kidding? "DOS ain't done 'till Lotus won't run." 

Cheers; Leon

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