[plug] user access rights

proXy davyd at iprimus.com.au
Sat Aug 31 20:39:21 WST 2002

On Sat, 2002-08-31 at 20:34, Jon Miller wrote:
> I need to give a user certain rights to an area where they are developing a
> application.  Not wanting to give the user root permissions, how can I give
> them permission to a certain area without compromising other areas?
> one user does web development and the other does works with mysql and php.

Have you considered a group?

Create a group, say www-data and chown all the files to root:www-data
then set the permissions on the files to be 664 (all,all,read) (or
whatever as applicable)


linux.conf.au Perth 2003 <http://www.linux.conf.au>

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