[plug] apt-rpm

Kirk Turner mlist at wagoonline.com
Tue Dec 10 09:15:39 WST 2002

Are there any local (aka Australia) sites for using apt-rpm for RH7.3? 
I'm still using the default tuxfamily ones in the sources.list.


Patrick Tehvand wrote:

>On Monday 09 December 2002 22:47, Jon Miller typed:
>>Any reason why they (tuxfamily) discontinued RHL7.2?  I can not seem to
>>get the program installed.  Constant dependencies issue.
>tuxfamily discontinued 7.2 support as 7.3 is the latest in the version family. 
>They saw no reason to continue on. 
>For a 7.2 box I use the following sources.list entries
>rpm http://apt.freshrpms.net redhat/7.2/en/i386 os updates freshrpms
>rpm-src http://apt.freshrpms.net redhat/7.2/en/i386 os updates freshrpms

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