PLUG LANparty (was Re: [plug] quakefest)

stephen shah shahmann at
Wed Feb 6 00:30:27 WST 2002

hello thier pluggers,
just been reading the questfest mail,
didnt realize thier woz so many plug users interested in playing quake !
Anyways, I am a hardcore player and usually play at the WALAN events and 
turn up occasionally at the CC.
But I have a room which holds about 20 ppl setup for playing quake.
It is already networked with 100mb switches and a dedicated game server.
I have a lan party this weekend and have enuff room for two more players if 
anyone is interested.
We will b playing 90% q3 and a bit of rtcw, u will need headphones, no 
speakers allowed.

But if the plug q3 users would like to have a lan party in the near future 
let me know.

ps. the location is in bassendean

>From: Justin <justin at>
>Reply-To: plug at
>To: plug at
>Subject: Re: PLUG LANparty (was Re: [plug] quakefest)
>Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 18:22:07 +0800
>I can get a 16 port hub or 2 - though only 10MB - if you can find a 
>location ;)
>At 06:09  5/02/02, you wrote:
>>On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 05:44:31PM +0800, Matt Kemner wrote:
>> > On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, Peter Wright wrote:
>> > > Does anyone remember where it was held and/or who was involved?
>> >
>> > Yep, I organised the first 2 QuakeFests
>>Well done. :)
>> > The first one was held at Global Warriors, and it rocked
>> > (20-30 PLUGgers turned up, IIRC)
>>Might I inquire what Global Warriors is?
>> > The second one was held at the UCC ("The Loft" to be accurate) and it
>> > sucked.  Most likely because people weren't too keen on lugging their
>> > computers up 3 flights of stairs.
>>Yeah... good point actually. Well, it's certainly doable, but you really
>>wouldn't want to with a valuable machine. More directly, I wouldn't want 
>>with a 21" monitor. :)
>> > I don't have time to organise another one, but I'd definately try to
>> > attend one, if someone else organised it
>>If you can suggest a decent location (assuming the Global Warriors 
>>isn't available anymore), that'd be very helpful.
>> >  - Matt
>>UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that
>>would also stop you from doing clever things.
>>                 -- Doug Gwyn

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