[plug] Relaying through sendmail

Grahame Bowland grahame at ucs.uwa.edu.au
Fri Feb 8 14:59:31 WST 2002

On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 14:48, Jonathon Bates wrote:
> Heya guys im running sendmail 8.11 and I am wanting to 
> have my bro use sendmailfrom his desktop (he is  currently
> stting his his smtp to iinets)
> How can I stop getting the relaying deinied errors that
> I always end up with?

Install postfix then edit /etc/postfix/main.cf and follow the comments

Or add the hostname to /etc/mail/relay-domains, although I think this
changes depending on which sendmail package/phase of the moon you try it
in :-)

Grahame Bowland                       Email: grahame at ucs.uwa.edu.au
University Communications Services    Phone: +61 8 9380 1175
The University of Western Australia     Fax: +61 8 9380 1109
                                     CRICOS: 00126G

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