[plug] Apache/Perl

Ryan ryan at prodigital.net.au
Sun Feb 10 17:04:15 WST 2002

>I am trying to run an app that uses perl to create its web interface, more
>often than not the browser (Opera/Netscape) prompts me to open/save the
>file rather than just displaying it.
>Do I have my apache settings stuffed up for this to happen ?
>The app just said to add 'AddHandle cgi-script pl' and to create an alias
>and directory entry for the app dir.

You need to also specify the directory the script is in as ExecCGI or else 
the server sends the .pl file instead of executing it.

The default one is as follows:

<Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin/>
     AllowOverride None
     Options ExecCGI
     Order allow,deny
     Allow from all

If your script is not in there either put it there or make another 
directory block entry for it:

<Directory /var/www/scripts/>
    Blah Blah same as above

If your scripts are covered by an ExecCGI option you don't need to specify 
any extra handlers for it, apache will try to execute anything in the 
directory regardless of extension.


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