[plug] Fonts

Richard wpickett at iprimus.com.au
Thu Feb 14 13:22:55 WST 2002

Seeing as somebody else seemed interested I will post this on list. To
use your windows tt fonts in Linux firstly create a dir
/usr/local/share/fonts/ttfonts. Then copy all .ttf files out of your
c:\windows\fonts dir into the new dir. Then do a chmod 775
/usr/local/share/fonts/ttfonts. Then chmod 644
/usr/local/share/fonts/ttfonts/*.ttf. Apparently all file names should
be in lowercase, there was a brief shell script that I could post that
was provided in the article to accomplish this if anyone needs it.
Navigate to the new ttfonts dir and type the following commands,
	ttmkfdir -o fonts.scale
Now open the config file /etc/x11/fs/config in an editor and add the
line /usr/local/share/fonts/ttfonts, to the catalogue section. It should
now look something like...
	Catalogue = /usr/local/share/fonts/ttfonts,
Save the above file. Now open /etc/xf86config, or if this does not exist
/etc/x11/xf86config, in the same editor and make sure the line
FontPath "unix/:-1" 
appears at the top of the files section. If not, add it and save the
file. Lastly, run the command xset +fp /usr/local/share/fonts/ttfonts.
After writing all of the above I realised there was a link at the end of
the article that would probably be much more generally enlightening. So
if you have any trouble with the above or wish to read more, the link is

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