[plug] Short connects solved - am I pissed!!!!

William Kenworthy billk at iinet.net.au
Thu Feb 21 15:08:50 WST 2002

It is weird that it never triggered coming in, only going out.  ppp
doesnt escape such characters as far as I am aware, but can do character
mapping which is probably not relevant.  I suspect its more a bad choice
of default modem settings as intimated by someone else.  As well,
everyone else on the plug list also got the post, many would be using
postfix as I am, but do not seem to have a problem. The problem message
was actually in reply to the original message and included the original
text in quote - postfix was trying to forward this reply.  If you are
feeling brave (or stupid) and are running a modem, try forwarding a
reply to that message and see what happens!  or just put the characters
in a message and send it!  I would be interested in the result.  If it
causes a problem, just delete the message from the mail queue.


On Thu, 2002-02-21 at 14:21, craig at postnewspapers.com.au wrote:
> > Plug!) which a kind sole decided to include "+--+--+--a--t--h" (note the
> That's bizarre... I would've thought PPP would escape AT sequences with
> three leading pluses like that listed above, for that very reason.
> P'haps you can get the PPP negotiation to request escaping of the +
> character to overcome your modem bug?
> -- 
> Craig Ringer                                       IT Manager, POST Newspapers
> http://www.postnewspapers.com.au/           
> GPG Key Fingerprint:        AF1C ABFE 7E64 E9C8 FC27  C16E D3CE CDC0 0E93 380D
> I don't think for my employer. Unless stated otherwise, my mail is my opinion.

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