[plug] Window Managers

Arkem arkem at mornmist.2y.net
Tue Jan 1 22:22:38 WST 2002

I've been using KDE for a while now (since early 1.x series) but I'm 
starting to find my system sluggish at times. The system itself 
probably isn't the problem (Athlon 1.2Ghz, 768mb ram, etc) so it 
comes down to what I'm running. I've decided that I'm going to have a 
look at other window managers to see if another window manager can 
preform all the functions I require without quite as much bloat.

I know this is a dangerous question (not quite as bad as Which distro 
is best though *grins*) what window manager is best if I'm operating 
a desktop and would prefer a sleek and slim window manager over a 
bells and whistles one? (Of course I'd like my window manager to look 
good but that's not the first priority).

I've been thinking of trying out Window Maker but have decided to 
seek counsel first. What are the opinions floating around out there?

Paul C

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