[plug] security related articles

Jason Nicholls jason at mindsocket.com.au
Thu Jan 3 10:07:37 WST 2002

OnLamp (http://www.onlamp.com/) has a link to a couple security related
articles that PLUGers may find interesting:

	Snort 'n' Dragon
	 Snort and Dragon are two intrusion-detection programs that allow you
	 to detect hackers trying to break into your system

	Understanding Rootkits

	 Hackers have many tools that allow them to remain undetected during
	 an attack. Understanding these tools is key to recognizing and
	 cleaning up after an attack.


	 When a hacker gets through your primary defences, its hard to tell
	 what they may have done to your system. Tripwire can reliably detect
	 changes to your system, including rootkits.


Jason Nicholls
Jason Nicholls    icq: 11745841    email: <jason at mindsocket.com.au>
Proprietor                        mobile: 0417 410 811
Mind Socket [web services]          http://www.mindsocket.com.au/

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