[plug] Intermittant, constant crashes

Kai vk6ksj at siwa.com.au
Sun Jan 20 22:01:48 WST 2002

That's one thing I haven't checked that I should have - hardware.
Opened the box and blew a crap load of dust and stuff out of the cooling 
  fan and now it's running at a resonable speed...might be up few a 
newie soon.

Cheers Bill

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Kenworthy" <billk at iinet.net.au>
To: "Plug List" <plug at plug.linux.org.au>
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: [plug] Intermittant, constant crashes

 > open the box and check the fans and heatsinks for buildup of lint or not
 > working properly - when was the last time you lifted the lid?.  Is there
 > a correlation between room temperature or system load that indicates a
 > heat problem?  Kernal oop's are indicative of heat problems with amd
 > k6's (I note you have a pentium), though not all the time - an
 > occasional one appearing at the start of hot weather has always been
 > "lift the lid and vacuum time" for me!
 > With an old machine, it is also possible you have a bad memory module,
 > or a dying hard drive (this should show up in the logs though).
 > Software is actually a less likely cause of this type of crash than
 > hardware (unless you are running you know what!)

 >- SNIP -<

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