[plug] interesting...

Jason Belcher jas at whatever.iinet.net.au
Wed Jan 23 22:50:29 WST 2002

Arkem (Paul) wrote:

>On Wed, 23 Jan 2002 22:09, Jason Belcher wrote:
>>Am I the only one who finds it interesting that
>>http://www.windows2000test.com/ which was previously used by
>>Microsoft as a hacking challenge for Windows 2000 and Windows XP,
>>currently has a default Debian/Apache installation page on it?
>Are you perhaps running debian with a default apache install?
>host www.windows2000test.com reveals:
>www.windows2000test.com CNAME   windows2000test.com
>windows2000test.com          CNAME   testwindowsxp.net
>testwindowsxp.net                 A  
>So that domain is actually pointing (effectively) at the local box.
>I thought something was up when I tried that address and my own web 
>page came up ^_^
>- Paul C
Yes, I found that after doing a bit more investigating after posting 
that. I won't speak so soon next time :)


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