[plug] ipchains & iptables?

stephen shah shahmann at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 24 14:07:49 WST 2002

this is a nice easy reading doco, which should help u make the transition

Iptables Basics NHF
Written By: Prince_Kenshi
I'm sure many of you have been wondering how to use iptables to set up a 
basic firewall. I was wondering the same thing for a long time until I 
recently figured it out. I'll try to explain the basics to at least get you 

First you need to know how the firewall treats packets leaving, entering, or 
passing through your computer. Basically there is a chain for each of these. 
Any packet entering your computer goes through the INPUT chain. Any packet 
that your computer sends out to the network goes through the OUTPUT chain. 
Any packet that your computer picks up on one network and sends to another 
goes through the FORWARD chain. The chains are half of the logic behind 
iptables themselves.

Now the way that iptables works is that you set up certain rules in each of 
these chains that decide what happens to packets of data that pass through 
them. For instance, if your computer was to send out a packet to 
http://www.yahoo.com/ to request an HTML page, it would first pass through 
the OUTPUT chain. The kernel would look through the rules in the chain and 
see if any of them match. The first one that matches will decide the outcome 
of that packet. If none of the rules match, then the policy of the whole 
chain will be the final decision maker. Then whatever reply Yahoo! sent back 
would pass through the INPUT chain. It's no more complicated than that.

Now that we have the basics out of the way, we can start working on putting 
all this to practical use. There are a lot of different letters to memorize 
when using iptables and you'll probably have to peek at the man page often 
to remind yourself of a certain one. Now let's start with manipulation of 
certain IP addresses. Suppose you wanted to block all packets coming from First of all, -s is used to specify a source IP or DNS name. 
So from that, to refer to traffic coming from this address, we'd use this:

iptables -s

But that doesn't tell what to do with the packets. The -j option is used to 
specify what happens to the packet. The most common three are ACCEPT, DENY, 
and DROP. Now you can probably figure out what ACCEPT does and it's not what 
we want. DENY sends a message back that this computer isn't accepting 
connections. DROP just totally ignores the packet. If we're really 
suspicious about this certain IP address, we'd probably prefer DROP over 
DENY. So here is the command with the result:

iptables -s -j DROP

But the computer still won't understand this. There's one more thing we need 
to add and that's which chain it goes on. You use -A for this. It just 
appends the rule to the end of whichever chain you specify. Since we want to 
keep the computer from talking to us, we'd put it on INPUT. So here's the 
entire command:

iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP

This single command would ignore everything coming from (with 
exceptions, but we'll get into that later). The order of the options doesn't 
matter; the -j DROP could go before -s I just like to put the 
outcome part at the end of the command. Ok, we're now capable of ignoring a 
certain computer on a network. If you wanted to keep your computer from 
talking to it, you'd simply change INPUT to OUTPUT and change the -s to -d 
for destination. Now that's not too hard, is it?

So what if we only wanted to ignore telnet requests from this computer? Well 
that's not very hard either. You might know that port 23 is for telnet, but 
you can just use the word telnet if you like. There are at least 3 protocols 
that can be specified: TCP, UDP, and ICMP. Telnet, like most services, runs 
on TCP so we're going with it. The -p option specifies the protocol. But TCP 
doesn't tell it everything; telnet is only a specific protocol used on the 
larger protocol of TCP. After we specify that the protocol is TCP, we can 
use --destination-port to denote the port that they're trying to contact us 
on. Make sure you don't get source and destination ports mixed up. Remember, 
the client can run on any port, it's the server that will be running the 
service on port 23. Any time you want to block out a certain service, you'll 
use --destination-port. The opposite is --source-port in case you need it. 
So let's put this all together. This should be the command that accomplishes 
what we want:

iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --destination-port telnet -j DROP

And there you go. If you wanted to specify a range of IP's, you could use This would specify any IP that matched 200.200.200.*. Now 
it's time to fry some bigger fish. Let's say that, like me, you have a local 
area network and then you have a connection to the internet. We're going to 
also say that the LAN is eth0 while the internet connection is called ppp0. 
Now suppose we wanted to allow telnet to run as a service to computers on 
the LAN but not on the insecure internet. Well there is an easy way to do 
this. We can use -i for the input interface and -o for the output interface. 
You could always block it on the OUTPUT chain, but we'd rather block it on 
the INPUT so that the telnet daemon never even sees the request. Therefore 
we'll use -i. This should set up just the rule:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port telnet -i ppp0 -j DROP

So this should close off the port to anyone on the internet yet kept it open 
to the LAN. Now before we go on to more intense stuff, I'd like to briefly 
explain other ways to manipulate rules. The -A option appends a rule to the 
end of the list, meaning any matching rule before it will have say before 
this one does. If we wanted to put a rule before the end of the chain, we 
use -I for insert. This will put the rule in a numerical location in the 
chain. For example, if we wanted to put it at the top of the INPUT chain, 
we'd use "-I INPUT 1" along with the rest of the command. Just change the 1 
to whatever place you want it to be in. Now let's say we wanted to replace 
whatever rule was already in that location. Just use -R to replace a rule. 
It has the same syntax as -I and works the same way except that it deletes 
the rule at that position rather than bumping everything down. And finally, 
if you just want to delete a rule, use -D. This also has a similar syntax 
but you can either use a number for the rule or type out all the options 
that you would if you created the rule. The number method is usually the 
optimal choice. There are two more simple options to learn though. -L lists 
all the rules set so far. This is obviously helpful when you forget where 
you're at. AND -F flushes a certain chain. (It removes all of the rules on 
the chain.) If you don't specify a chain, it will basically flush 
Well let's get a bit more advanced. We know that these packets use a certain 
protocol, and if that protocol is TCP, then it also uses a certain port. Now 
you might be compelled to just close all ports to incoming traffic, but 
remember, after your computer talks to another computer, that computer must 
talk back. If you close all of your incoming ports, you'll essentially 
render your connection useless. And for most non-service programs, you can't 
predict which port they're going to be communicating on. But there's still a 
way. Whenever two computers are talking over a TCP connection, that 
connection must first be initialized. This is the job of a SYN packet. A SYN 
packet simply tells the other computer that it's ready to talk. Now only the 
computer requesting the service sends a SYN packet. So if you only block 
incoming SYN packets, it stops other computers from opening services on your 
computer but doesn't stop you from communicating with them. It roughly makes 
your computer ignore anything that it didn't speak to first. It's mean but 
it gets the job done. Well the option for this is --syn after you've 
specified the TCP protocol. So to make a rule that would block all incoming 
connections on only the internet:

iptables -A INPUT -i ppp0 -p tcp --syn -j DROP

That's a likely rule that you'll be using unless you have a web service 
running. If you want to leave one port open, for example 80 (HTTP), there's 
a simple way to do this too. As with many programming languages, an 
exclamation mark means not. For instance, if you wanted to block all SYN 
packets on all ports except 80, I believe it would look something like this:

iptables -A INPUT -i ppp0 -p tcp --syn --destination-port ! 80 -j DROP

It's somewhat complicated but it's not so hard to comprehend. There's one 
last thing I'd like to cover and that's changing the policy for a chain. The 
chains INPUT and OUTPUT are usually set to ACCEPT by default and FORWARD is 
set to DENY. Well if you want to use this computer as a router, you would 
probably want to set the FORWARD policy to ACCEPT. How do we do this you 
ask? Well it's really very simple. All you have to do is use the -P option. 
Just follow it by the chain name and the new policy and you have it made. To 
change the FORWARD chain to an ACCEPT policy, we'd do this:

Nothing to it, huh? This is really just the basics of iptables. It should 
help you set up a limited firewall but there's still a lot more that I 
couldn't talk about. You can look at the man page "man iptables" to learn 
more of the options (or refresh your memory when you forget). You can find 
more advanced documents if you want to learn some of the more advanced 
features of iptables. At the time of this writing, iptables documents are 
somewhat rare because the technology is new but they should be springing up 
soon. Good luck.

Helpful Links:
Introducing Netfilter (iptables)

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>From: Andrew Furey <simpware at yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
>To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
>Subject: [plug] ipchains & iptables?
>Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 23:46:47 +1100 (EST)
>Anyone know of a good HOWTO-type resource for
>switching from ipchains to iptables? Something that
>would show how to do everything ipchains used to do,
>would be nice.
>"One Architecture, One OS" also translates as "One Egg, One Basket".
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