[plug] go to previous directory

Mike Holland myk at golden.wattle.id.au
Thu Jan 31 09:43:08 WST 2002

On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, Robert Andrews wrote:

> Hi all;
> RedHat 6.2
> Im useing bash if it makes a difference
>  ? how do I undelete a file

The traditional way is to restore from your daily backup tape.
For a home user, you might have a cron job to create a backup tar file
of your home directory (and any other important bits) each night,
and burn it to CD occasionally.
  Otherwise, how desperate are you?  See http://www.google.com/linux

>  ? go to the last directory i was in i.e go back

See pushd and popd in your manual.
In zsh, I use "setopt autopushd" to automatically remember a number
of dirs in a stack. Then I can "popd" at any time to go back.
Bash probably has something similar by now.

MAIN ADVICE: read your shell manual! It really is worth it.

All things are possible, except for skiing through a revolving door.

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