[plug] iptables rule

Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima tony at cantech.net.au
Mon Jul 1 12:18:27 WST 2002

On 1 Jul 2002, Jon L. Miller wrote:

> I have a home network that connects to the office network with the
> following configuration

Is this a new connection or one an existing connection that has broken?
> home network
> office network
> The way it was setup /etc/ppp/options.ttyS1
> proxyarp
> While it can dial in I cannot access the mail server from the
> network nor can I ping past the
> I'm assuming this is a firewall issue and what I need to know is what
> rules needs to be applied using iptables.
> I thinking I need to accept all usual incoming traffic from the office
> network. I also need to have all usual traffic going from the home
> network to be accepted.

Hmmm I think I'm missing something. both seem to be
on the same network.

I would imagine that the scenario should be something like:
home network
office network

Some machine on the home network connects into somemachine on the office
network.  The PPP link uses the ethernet IP's of each machine involved.
The machine on the office network acts as a gateway to the home
network and the home machine acts as a gateway for the office network.
Can't realyy see the need to use proxyarp.

Now what did I miss?

Yours Tony

   Jan 22-25 2003           Linux.Conf.AU            http://linux.conf.au/
		  The Australian Linux Technical Conference!

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