[plug] RH7.3 rpm installation query

Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima tony at cantech.net.au
Tue Jul 9 15:36:00 WST 2002

On Tue, 9 Jul 2002, Bret Busby wrote:

> error: failed dependencies:
> 	libXm.so.2 is needed by opera-6.02-....
> Is the error message because the required file or package is not in the
> same path as the opera package that I am trying to instal?

This error means that opera-6.02 requires a library "libXm.so.2" to be
installed, said library in't.

I can't tell you which rpm that library is in as I'm still running 6.2
and it (libXm.so.2) isn't available.

If you have the CD's and some spare time I suggest you do something like
the following (this _should_ work on any rpm based Linux distro)
Insert Disk1
mount /mnt/cdrom
cd /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS
rpm -q --filesby-pkg  *.rpm  |sed -e 's/^/disk1:/' > /tmp/disk1.files
umount /mnt/cdrom

Insert Disk2
mount /mnt/cdrom
cd /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS
rpm -q --filesby-pkg  *.rpm  |sed -e 's/^/disk2:/' > /tmp/disk1.files
umount /mnt/cdrom

Insert Disk3
mount /mnt/cdrom
cd /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS
rpm -q --filesby-pkg  *.rpm  |sed -e 's/^/disk3:/' > /tmp/disk1.files
umount /mnt/cdrom

cat /tmp/disk[123].files | gzip > /path/to/Contents-i386.gz
rm /tmp/disk[123].files

This will give you a compressed file "Contents-i386.gz" that contains
a list of every file in every rpm that comes with RedHat 7.3 and the disk it
is on.  Once you have that file.  if you ever need to know where "libfoo.so.3"
comes from simply

zgrep "libfoo.so.3" /path/to/Contents-i386.gz
and you will be told something like:

disk3:libfoo-3.0.99-79.i386.rpm                    usr/lib/libfoo.so.3
disk3:libfoo-3.0.99-79.i386.rpm                    usr/lib/libfoo.so.3.0.99


Yours Tony

   Jan 22-25 2003           Linux.Conf.AU            http://linux.conf.au/
		  The Australian Linux Technical Conference!

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