[plug] Using sed to remove \n from a text file.
Russell Steicke
russells at plug.linux.org.au
Thu Jul 11 12:17:38 WST 2002
On Thu, Jul 11, 2002 at 01:48:31PM +1000, Buddrige, David wrote:
> However, some of the "records" are very long, and in this case, they have
> been continued over to the next line by adding a "-" character at the end of
> the line to indicate that the record continues on the next line.
> sed s/-\n//g myfilename.txt > my_new_filename.txt
> However, this does not seem to do what I want it to.
sed is probably not suitable for this task, but awk can do it:
awk '/-$/ {gsub(/-$/," "); getline lyne; print $0 lyne; next;} {print;}' \
< infile > outfile
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